Wednesday, July 1

Day 37.5

In just three short hours I'll be boarding my flight to home numero uno:
Then, it's off to home numero dos.
As tradition would have it:
God Bless America!
I can't wait to be both homes that is.


Lauren Kay said...

That rap was hilarious. I can't wait until I live there and I will actually get some of those jokes.

Christyn Caryn said...

SO I feel like we should be friends. I am from Utah and friends with Carla Thorup I found your blog through hers and her mentioning your being in Africa. I live in DC and you live in DC. I just got back from Africa as well. Anyway, I know this is weird... here is my e-mail: and my blog: Hope to hear from ya!

JD said...

Yay for you coming back! Travel safe.