Monday, November 10

Just Another Day in DC

I could list thousands of reasons (literally) why Washington, DC is an amazing place to live, but I wont, I’ll just list one. Presidential Motorcades, or in this particular situation, the presidential-elect motorcade driving by on my lunch break. Lately I haven’t been taking lunch breaks, but today, my inner self told me to do otherwise. I decided to take a walk through the streets of DC, since I’d spent most of my morning sitting on my behind. A little fresh air and loosening of the limbs generally make the second half of the work day more tolerable. And by tolerable, I simply mean more productive, which generally means time flies by, usually resulting in a fabulous day of work. Hence the reason this adjective seemed so suitable. Moving on. On the way back to my small desk on 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., 5th floor of the Ronald Regan Building, I noticed the entire 14th St. blocked off by cop cars. Anyone who knows me knows I have an obsession with cops/secret service men/FBI agents/snipers/ and any other man in a uniform that carries a gun and his main objective is to protect our country. They’re SO attractive. (I’m going to have a heyday the day I become a secret service agent!) I decided to finish eating my carrots, while sitting on the cement landing watching the cops do what they do best, boss people around (another reason why I’ll fit right in with the secret service). I had read earlier on CNN{dot}com that Obama was going to make his first visit to the Oval Office today—and I had to think, that’s odd, I’ve visited the Oval Office before our next President has? But seemingly, I forgot that the reasoning behind all the commotion on 14th St. was due to Obama coming to town. Once I realized what was going on, I quickly decided that today’s lunch break would make up for a missed lunch break from last week. I wasn’t about to walk back into work, sit at my desk, and carry on with my afternoon as though my next President wasn’t right outside my window…that’s unimaginable and rightly not possible. So, there I stood, on the corner of 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. with a crowd of business men, tourists, and true Obama supporters, clapping for the next President of the United States of America! Welcome to DC Obama, I hope you’ll find your stay as enjoyable as mine, but possibly more welcoming.


trentathon said...

that's COOL

Xoxo Grandma said...

Amy, I'm glad you got to experience another interesting historicdal moment.

Xoxo Grandma said...

oops, historical moment.

carla thorup said...

okay, that's cool. but more importantly... how many of those motorcycle cops had SIDE CARS!?! now that is pimp. maybe i should look into becoming a cop in DC. it just might be worth it if i can use the side-car on my free weekends for Matt. hilarious.