Last weekend I headed to Philly to spend the day with a good friend, and to make amends for not having visited her since she moved to the east coast back in August. Sorry Steph! I love spending time with good friends. Friends who you don't have to talk to everyday, but you can still pick up right where you left off with the last time you were together. Steph is one of those friends. Which naturally makes sense since, as college roommates, we'd spend countless nights engaged in sing-a-longs as we stalled going to bed. For some reason, that just builds a special bond! Thanks Steph and Ben (her fabulous husband) for a perfect day spent in Philly, and for treating me to lunch
AND dinner! Let's do it again soon, but next time it's on me!
(I know what you're thinking, but rest assured, the nasty hippie hairstyle has finally been resolved)
Naturally this weekend I have another trip planned. I should stop calling them vacations, since they've become such a regular routine of my life. Vacations - or what have you - they just make life more exciting. This time, it's off to Sunny California I go, to spend time with this one, on his stomping grounds.

He's been to mine, so I guess it's fair for me to finally make it to his. And if I'm lucky, he'll take me into the city, where my heart never stops smiling.

Upper 60's, low 70's all week, I think I'll be in heaven.
Have fun, be safe & enjoy one of our favorite places!
Poor Mays, only sibiling born in Utah :)
Wish we were there! Enjoy the easter egg room:)
I can't WAIT to talk to you today!
Hey we're winning!
i think I look drunk in this picture.
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