Today's challenge is to wear a closet orphan. Something that hasn't been touched in a while and is needing to either reenter my wardrobe or be banned forever.
I decided to go a little bold and pull something out of my closet that's been sitting there, untouched, unscathed, unworn for a. long. time. And this is what I came up with:
Here's the look:
Thrifted |
Keep or ban? I kind of love it, in a grandma kind of way. And the best part is, I don't have to try to pair a shirt or pants with it, it's all right there for me. Genius!
Ok, ok, flattering and all as it may be, that's not really my outfit, shocker, I know! But when I spotted this baby at the thrift store a few weeks back, I couldn't say no. Just look at it. And look, it was free. That's right, I didn't spend one penny on it. Had it been a penny, I would have left it there, promise. For some reason though, I just couldn't leave the store without it. I mean, I could have, and I almost did, but the moment I realized it was a pant suit ensemble, and not a dress I had to take it. I also had three thoughts in mind for this prized procession (that term is used very loosely here).
1- Hello, halloween is coming up and this has all kinds of awesomeness written all over it (I kid you not when I tell you it gives me a wedgie when I wear it)
2- Free fabric that I'm sure I can put to good use some way or another
3- If I don't take it off the rack, someone else will, and perhaps they'll actually wear it. Really, I'm doing all human kind a favor by taking it out of the store.
My husband was so embarrassed by the outfit he wouldn't even let me go outside to take a picture. He must really love me!
So what closet orphan am I really sporting today.
Here's the real look, and then I'm going to ask you all to please tell me how I should wear this, because I'm totally clueless, hence it's been sitting in my closet untouched, unworn, price tag still on, for over two years.
Shirt: Costco (how I love that store) Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft, Vest: Dillards, years and years ago. Necklace: JCrew, Belt: Thrifted |
So, what say you, how would you wear this thing? It's so long I almost feel like it looks like I'm wearing a towel from behind. I tried to pair it with a khaki pencil skirt, but seeing that it was longer than the skirt, it just didn't look right.
I've never felt so stumped over an item of clothing before...I probably should have left it in the store for that very reason, but something about it was calling my name. Now, I just need help figuring out how to actually wear the darn thing so I can call it's name. Suggestions and comments are VERY welcomed! If chucking it is your suggestion, that's fine too, because I may or may not be leaning towards that anyway.